Narrator Reel
(BroadwayWorld) – “Boom”
“Kudos to Out of Pocket Inc. for choosing this intellectually stimulating, quirky and challenging play. The small cast delivers the play’s intention admirably. It is no small task to sustain a character and engage an audience without intermission for 105 minutes. Lauren MacDonough and Skylar Shaw as Jo and Jules respectively play their roles with energy and passion. Their performances are thoughtful and clear.
Kevin Carr (City Newspaper) – “Our Suburb”
“The play opens with the Stage Manager (Lauren MacDonough) who arranges props on stage and welcomes the audience as they sit down. As Wilder’s original play stretched the limits of traditional theater, ‘Our Suburb’ also invests in metatheatrical elements. The Stage Manager both narrates the story and sits in for various characters along the way. MacDonough owns the role entirely. She is hilarious, pushy, and charming. It’s refreshing, not only to see this classic men’s role given to a woman, but to be done so vibrantly.”
Dresden Engle (KidsOutAndAbout.com) – “How I Became a Pirate”
“Lauren MacDonough portrays the young boy (Jeremy Jacob) with youthful energy, hungry for adventure, via strong acting, singing, and dancing skills (sidebar: it’s interesting to think she’ll be in a leotard in two months starring as a leggy dancer in A Chorus Line with Pittsford Musicals…now that’s diversity in acting!)